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Some information about vegetables and fruit

Broccoli — is an annual plant of the Cabbage family, it is a dark-green inflorescence. It contains cellulose, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, sulfur, vitamins С, В1, В2, В5, В6, РР, Е, К, provitamin A. Caloric value of broccoli per 100 g — is 25 kcal. Regular use of broccoli is a perfect weapon against depression; it also mobilizes our immune system. Broccoli contains sulforafan — a natural compound that blocks cancer cells division and prevents further clinical behavior. Besides, broccoli usage delays aging process.

Brussels sprouts — is a biennial plant of the Cabbage family, green leaf gloms are used for food; it contains cellulose, iron, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C, B vitamins, provitamin A. Caloric value of Brussels sprouts per 100 g — is 25—34 kcal. Brussels sprouts are recommended in the ration of pregnant women, as a source of folic acid. They are vitally important for proper development of nervous system and reduce risk of children’s congenital malformation.

Green pea — is an annual legume. Green seeds are used for food. Green pea — is a favorite vegetable of our childhood. It is not only tasty, but also represents a unique combination of health-giving materials: perfect source of proteins, carbohydrates, cellulose; it contains iron, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin C, B vitamins. Caloric value of green peas per 100 g — is 79 kcal. Its usage decreases cholesterol level, resists cancer, positively effects on bone tissue. It is a fatigue and anemia remedy, improves mental performance, it assists in immune system’s problem solving. It provides the body with energy without increasing sugar blood level.

Maize (corn) — contains high content of carbohydrates in its corns: cellulose, protein, variety of B vitamins, vitamin E, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc. Caloric value of maize per 100 g — is 97 kcal. Maize carbohydrates provide the body with energy, not causing depot fat. Magnesium protects the body from disease and aging processes. Vitamin E prevents sclerosis development. 150 g of corn provide about 25% of vitamin B1daily rate; it positively effects on performance of nervous system, muscles, heart and on red corpuscles formation.

Carrot — is a biennial plant of the Celery family. It contains carbohydrates, proteins, carotene, vitamins В1, В2, В6, С, Е, Н, К, РР, as well as calcium, iron, potassium, copper. Caloric value of carrot per 100 g — is 31 kcal. Due to combination of vitally important vitamins and mineral salt, carrot prevents anemia and improves eye-sight. Out of all vegetables, carrot contains the highest content of beta-carotene, which assists body resistance to hazardous action of ultraviolet rays, adds elasticity, softness and fresh complexion to skin.

Pepper — is a thermophyte, whose fruit have various form, color and size, depending on kind. It is a source of vitamins C and A, as well as beta-carotene. Its availability in menu decreases risk of cancer and lung emphysema development. Caloric value of pepper per 100 g — is 26 kcal. Out of all vegetables, excluding parsley, pepper is the richest source of Vitamin C. 200 g of pepper provide adult’s daily rate of vitamin C. Besides, pepper contains vitamin A, which represents fatal cocktail for free radicals. This perfect duet prevents cholesterol accumulation, protecting, in that way, sclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, malignant tumor mass, cataract and arthritis.

Tomato — is the loveliest vegetable in the world. It is the most useful in raw or fresh-frozen state. It is recommended during banting, treatment of pancreatic diabetes and kidney disease. It contains valuable cellulose, as well as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and has high content of vitamins A, B, C and E. Caloric value of tomatoes per 100 g — is 19 kcal. It was proven not only the tomatoes’ healing power on heart and kidneys, but also their action on skin’s renewal. Ripe tomatoes owe lycopene their red color. This natural pigment has incredible effect on sclerosis and tumors, especially, lowering the prostate cancer risk. It was proved that tomatoes are the best assimilated in soups and sauces.

Celery — for food is used both terraneous (stalk and leaves) and subterranean (roots) parts of celery. It contains lots of important mineral substances, such as potassium, zinc, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins C, PP, E, B vitamins and provitamin A. Caloric value of celery per 100 g — is 18 kcal. Celery is used to reduce blood pressure in Chinese medicine. Celery is useful during stomach diseases, rheumatism, obesity, urinary bladder diseases.

Cauliflower — is an annual plant of the Cabbage family. It has low calorie content, yet gives satiety feeling; due to this quality it may be used fearing not of extra kilos. Caloric value of cauliflower per 100 g — is 21 kcal. It contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc, fluorine, carotenes, vitamins C, K, B1, B2, B6. Cauliflower contains enzymes that help in flushing out toxins from the body. This vegetable is recommended to cancer prevention.

Haricot — is an annual or biennial plant of the bean family. It is cultivated for bean-pods or bean inside of it. This kind has adequate proteins. It has four times less carbohydrates, comparing to green pea. Haricot and its decoction are recommended to liver and gall-bladder diseases, chronic gastritis, chronic polyarthritis, and urolithiasis. It is contraindicated during nephritis, gout and obesity.

Bulb onion — is enriched with potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, manganese. It is useful during atherosclerosis and hypertension, for it lowers cholesterol level in blood and dilates blood vessels. Spring onions serve as a slight diuretic and laxative agent. It relieves lassitude and sleepiness. People, who exclude onion, have high blood circulation that leads to clot formation.

Garlic — contains phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, cobalt. It has low content of ascorbic acid, yet, contains pyridoxine. Garlic increases immunodefence to cold, has antimicrobic and slight anesthetic action, improves heart, kidney performance and digestation process. It lowers sugar level in blood and recommended to atherosclerosis and hypertension treatment.

Parsley — is recommended during cystitis, urolithiasis, prostate inflammation, metrorrhagia, neurosis of various origin, edema attenuation, and tympanism.

Potato — is one of our main food products. It has high potassium content that is essential for normal cardiovascular and neuromuscular work, as well as for body fluid control. Potassium promotes flushing out of body liquid surplus. Alkaline elements dominate in potato; therefore they normalize body acid-base balance.

Black currant — enriches body with vitamins, improves digestion, and serves as a hypovitaminosis preventive. This berry is rich with ascorbic acid, rutin, cyanocobalamin, iron. Using 50 g of berries, we replenish daily rate of vitamin C and rutin. Out of other vitamins, it contains thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and such microelements as: potassium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, copper, zinc and others. It is recommended to anemia, blood-vessel diseases, hemorrhage, rheumatism, reduced gastric acidity, urolithiasis, and atherosclerosis.

Raspberry — contains ascorbic and nicotinic acids, retinol, riboflavin, copper, potassium. It has higher iron content, comparing to other berries. It lowers body temperature, represents a diaphoretic, and improves appetite, useful during anemia, kidneys’ diseases, and gastritis. It is recommended to debilitated people, relieves stomach pain, and prevents emesis.

Strawberry — contains ascorbic and nicotinic acids, rutin, riboflavin, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. These berries are worth to include in ration of anemia patients, during vessels’ fragility, to improve blood formation. It is used as diuretic and diaphoretic agent, during hypertension, atherosclerosis, and ischemic cardiac disease.

Cherry — has valuable flavoring qualities. It contains riboflavin, rutin, carotene, folic and nicotine acids, has variety of mineral substances, which are essential for vascular walls’ strengthening, decrease clot formation. Cherries are useful in prevention trombophlebitis, cerebral stroke, and myocardial infarction. It raises appetite that is why it is recommended to debilitated children. It is used as a fever reducer and an agent during nervous system diseases. Pectins lower toxic substances’ absorption from bowels.

Blackberry — is raspberry’s kin. Its berries contain 3.7%  of glucose, up to 2.2%  of organic acids, vitamins B, E, A and C; besides, they contain potassium, copper and magnesium. In Ancient Greece, physicians used blackberries for soar throat, gout, wound and stomach treatments. It is used during nervous system impairment (neuroses, hysteria, scleroses), and hypertension. It has diaphoretic, diuretic and haemostatic qualities. Long-term usage of blackberry compotes and teas renews metabolism during pancreatic diabetes and increases appetite.

Plum — contains sufficient amount of B vitamins (keep nervous system in proper condition, fight against fatigue and insomnia, elate), vitamin C (helps to manage various infections), provitamin A (improves eye-sight, reduce body susceptibility to viruses, makes soft and silky skin), vitamin K (improves blood composition, prevents thromboses), vitamin P (strengthens walls of veins and arteries, as well as of capillaries). Out of microelements, plums are rich of sodium, potassium, copper and iron. Plums flush out extra cholesterol; they are used during hypertension, stool retention, atherosclerosis, kidneys’ diseases, and rheumatism.

Champignon — is a cultivated mushroom with white cap and white stipe. Caloric value of champignons per 100 g — is 15 kcal. They contain cellulose, vitamins D, E, PP and B vitamins, as well as iron, potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Due to low sodium content, champignons are great component of salt-free diet. Since champignons have no sugar and fat content, diabetics may include it in their ration. Champignons take the leading place in riboflavin content, which reduces headaches. They also effect on skin condition.

Rice — is a grain-crop and, such as all cereals, is composed of amylum, i.e.  carbohydrates. Nevertheless, in contrast to other cereals, it has no glutenin that makes it ideal for patients with high tolerance to protein cereals. Scientist have proven that rice, as well as other carbohydrates, may replenish deficit of main vitamins and minerals, because it contains B vitamins, vitamins E and PP, calcium, copper, iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and zinc. Besides, each 100 g of raw rice contain 4.1 g of protein.

All these products, as one-crop or mix combinations, can be found in frozen vegetables from TM “Shef-Kuhar”!

Hope, these very products will be to Your taste. Enjoy tasty life today!


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