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The Most Favorite Winter Holidays!

New Year — is a Santa Clause with gifts and Snow Maiden, decorated New Year's tree, snow, champagne during the striking of chimes, laughter, fun, be-in,  toasts, in general — it is the Real Holiday! And in order to be sure that everything will pass “smoothly” — you should better prepare to this holiday in advance. How to accomplish it, what are the traditions of the New Year and what are the New-Year signs, we offer you with pleasure!

Interpretation of the tree as a symbol of life is a tradition more ancient, than Christianity, and does not belong to some certain religion. Long before the time, when people started to celebrate Christmas, citizens of the Ancient Egypt took green palm branches in their houses in December, in the shortest day of year, as the symbol of victory of life over death. And Romans, in honor of god of agriculture, decorated their houses with green leaves during the winter holiday Saturnalia. Pagan priest Druids hung golden apples on the oak branches during the celebration of winter solstice. In dark Ages, evergreen tree with red apples was a symbol of holiday of Adam and Eve, which was celebrated on December, 24.

The first record of the Christmas tree belongs the to XVI century. In German town, Strasburg, both poor and noble families decorated the tree with colored paper, fruit and sweeties. Little by little, this tradition had spread all over Europe. To America this tradition was brought by the German settlers, and also with mercenaries, who took part in the war for independence. The popularity of the Christmas tree was sky-rocketing. In 1851 Mark Каr delivered to the streets of New York two oxen team laden with fir-trees and was the first one in the United States, who started festive trees retail selling.

The 14th president of the USA, Franklin Pierce, established the tradition of the Christmas tree in the White House. In 1923, the president Calvin Coolidge was the first president, who carried out solemn ceremony fir-tree's lighting, which passes annually on the esplanade nearby the White House. Starting with 1966, the members of the National Association of the Christmas tree bring the most beautiful and fluffiest fir-tree to the first family of America. This tree is annually placed in the Blue room of the White House.

New-year signs:

If you dress something new on the New Year, the coming year will be successful. This custom was probably thought out by women, so that their men would show a bit of generosity to something new.

“The way you meet the New Year, you will pass it!” Although lately people are speaking that a year does not depend on one night, but rather on the twelve days after the New Year. Every day is charged with a certain month. For example, if you want to rest in June, rest all the day on January, 6.

The new-year table must have food and drinks in abundance, and then the whole year the family will be advantaged.

Borrowing money on the New Year is prohibited, in no circumstances, so that the whole next year you would not spend in debts. This tradition is burdening people from year to year, but the longing of people for prosperity is so strong, that everyone is holding out till January, 2 and only then hurries to borrow from those, who have not spend before.

On the New Year's Eve it is prohibited to take away trash from home, otherwise the whole year will pass without domestic happiness. You know, believe you in signs or not, but just in case you should better keep this sign. After all, it is the most important — the happiness in your own house.

The last glass on the New Year's Eve will bring success to those, who drink it. Probably, this sign was thought out in order that drinks on a table would not remain. But, however, it can bring in the element of competition in your company. You may even give a prize to the one, who does that.


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