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Vegetable pieces of advice from "Shef-Kuhar" of TM "Rud" during Great Lent

The sacred Great Lent, which is also named a Quadragesima, is one of the oldest and the most spiritual practices of Christian religion. The Great Lent history is rather ancient and rich with traditions. It reaches apostolic times. The preeaster Lent is called Great not only because it is the longest one, but also because it is severe and is the major one in a life of Church and each Christian.

«Because we did not fast, we have been expelled from paradise. Hence, we observe a Lent to return there» (St. Vasiliy the Great. About the Fast I). Great Lent has especial value for our spiritual life. Perhaps today for the various reasons we have no power to fast as severely as our ancestors did, but we have a sacred duty to keep a spiritual fast - it is a spiritual clearing and struggle against our bad habits, a prayer duty, observance of Christian virtues and realization of good affairs. Spiritual renewal is the key purpose of the Sacred Great Lent.

Time of Great Lent for everyone - is time of spiritual struggle in which soul and flesh are taking part. There is no spiritual fast without fleshly fast: «The more you fail body, says St. Vasiliy the Great, the more you will add shine of spiritual health to soul».

For this reason, having cleared soul in prayers and good affairs, all should remember vital restrictions, including meal issues. It should be fast (excluding meat, milk, animal fats). The use of the frozen vegetables and vegetable mixes from "Shef-Kuhar" of TM "Rud" promotes observance of all Great Lent canons.

It is important to fast reasonably - to use protein meal: string beans, peas in a combination with other fast products. For example, «Premium» and "Mexican" frying mixes are ideally balanced and have necessary quantity of protein components for normal vital activity of organism without meat products' usage. For those who wish exclusively vegetable garnishes "Shef-Kuhar" has prepared «Tsar salad» and the "Spring" seven-component mix.

By the way, according to the Consumer panel of households in Ukraine, which is carried out by GFK Ukraine company, in 2009 23 % of all households kept Great Lent.

In the western region, the share of those who kept Great Lent, is the greatest - every second household fasted in 2009. In east region this indicator is the least (13 % of households).

In 2009 in Kiev fasted 19 % of households, in Dnepropetrovsk 10 %, in Odessa 12 %, in Lviv 50 %.

The share of households which keep Great Lent, in a countryside is twice bigger comparing the same share of such families among inhabitants of the big cities (with the population over 500 thousand).

Difference between a share of fasting women and men, is insignificant. It is necessary to notice, that the age essentially influences a share of those who keep Great Lent: up to 30 years 19 % fasted, and over 60 years - 27 %.

"Shef-Kuhar" from TM "Rud" wishes an easy fast, emotional and physical renewal for everyone.


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