Greeting on the occasion of the Independence Day, Ukraine!
Dear Ukrainians, Countrymen!
Let me with all my heart offer you congratulations on the occasion of the main National Holiday – Ukraine’s Independence Day!
This date is considered to be a symbol of the new stage of development and establishment of our Motherland! Welfare and successful progress of the Ukrainian people either to the date, or hundred years ago, are the powerful stimuli for our integration, well-being and victories. Let me sincerely wish you a lot of health, welfare and of course, family well-doing. Let the city streets be full of whole-hearted smiles, the dwellings be full of sonorous children’s laugh, while the Ukrainian skies be always serene and starry!
Ukraine, be congratulated with yours Independence Day!

Sincerely yours and best regards,
President of the Company – Petro Rud
President of the Company – Petro Rud