Основные тенденции рынка мороженого сезона 2008 года
As to the leaders list, it remains unchangeable: TM “Rud”, TM “Lasunka”, TM “Hercules”, TM “Azhur”, TM “Laska”, TM “Limo” continue to hold the leading market positions.
Each company tries not only to fix stable market position, but also to conquer the market section. This is realized not only due to the absorption of segments of small producers, but also by means of unused market possibilities of leaders. So, companies try to address to such realization systems and marketing programs, which suit the implementation of the selected strategy. As to the distribution companies, they also optimize their work and search for new approaches for products promotion on the competitive market.
2008 became the year of introduction of the new Ukrainian State Standard. For those producers, who evened the certain common production norms for the sake of dumping, it became a real problem. But it helped the big market players, whose production always meets the requirements of acting law, to separate from dishonest producers.
The low culture of
One can’t, but remember the peculiarities of autumn-winter season. This period is always difficult for
But we are to remember, that crisis is the additional incentive to search for new working approaches and good possibility to improve the immunity of enterprise. Crises can be pulled through by strong enterprises, for whom the post-crisis period is period of blossom. This is connected with the appearance of new market possibilities after the outgo of the players, who have not been able to overcome this crisis.