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The Ice Cream Celebration № 1
The Ice Cream Celebration № 1

“Super Chocolate”
“Super Chocolate”

“100% Ice Cream”
“100% Ice Cream”

Waffle cone “Child`s Wish”
Waffle cone “Child`s Wish”

Ice cream «Eskimos»
Ice cream «Eskimos»

«Frozen Yogurt»
«Frozen Yogurt»
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Производство — «сердце» предприятия!

Certainly, production is the heart of our industry. For a number of years, ice cream was a main strategic business orientation of production and became a visit card of our industry. Therefore, we have decided to talk to a supervisor and workers of ice cream department at the end of the spring-summer season.

Supervisor of ice cream department — Nyna Oleksyivna Konchakivs’ka

— Nyna Oleksyivna, from a point of view of production worker, will you evaluate an ice cream season of this summer?

— In general, this season was successful, yet, intense; it can be called the season of team work of all departments. The season gave a possibility to check out all our production process for competence and mobility.

— Will you, please, tell us about production innovations this year? How the lines are working? What was changed? Improved?

This year we have:

  1. Reconstructed one more working area, thus, an issue of delay in preparing mixtures for ice cream production was solved.
  2. Completed reconstruction of two production lines of ice cream cups.
  3. Additionally, installed a tunnel freezer that allowed to increase an ice cream production per day. Due to the high-quality repair during the off-season, clear work organization and high-grade analysis of production capacity, this year we have increased an ice cream production, though the number of production lines was not increased essentially. This is the way we are going to follow in future: to intensify lines’capacity, rather than to increase number of equipment units.

— What can You tell about the new ice cream products, the production quality You produce?

— Almost all new products of this year have found their consumers.

Especially, the most successful was elaboration of ice cream waffle cups and briquettes — “Dessert-Jelly”, “Strawberry Whipped Cream”, and “Vanilla Biscuit with Chocolate”. This process allowed providing for total functioning capacity of ice cream in cups and briquettes’ production lines. It is worth to mention the elaboration in the whole branch, especially — “Fruit-berry” and “Dessert-Sweetened Curd”. All of it is a mutual work of all our experts. As for the quality of our products, it is our primary task. Only responsible attitude of all workers towards their duties may bring positive results and possibility to say it proud: “Rud” ice cream — is an Ice Cream # 1.

— You have more than 450 subordinates. To manage this number is not the easy way, especially in season period. What is Your managerial secret?

— First of all, you need to see a person in each worker. All people are different and the manager must find an individual approach to every one — talk to him/her, teach them how to value their work and respect the industry, they are working at. On the other hand, it is the work organization of both mine and my subordinates. Each worker must know his/her duties and precisely follow them.

— In order to reach good results, You need an order in all links that are involved in creation and production process. How can You evaluate the cooperation with other departments?

— This season we could feel a team work of all departments and experts, their desire to make better and more. Especially, I would like to mention an orderly cooperation with master mechanic’s and industry power engineering specialist’s services and a technical department, along with their manager — Bondar  S. I. We have established creative relationship with marketing and sales departments. As for the production department, it feels like we are one family.

— What would You like to wish to everybody?

— I want to wish good health to all co-workers and to their families. I want You to keep on your desire to make something new and do not stand still on your reached goals!

Department foreman — Pocanevich  K. M.

— How can You evaluate work of Your department during this season?

— Seasoned work differs one from another depending on the year. I would like to mention that this year was noted a drastic competence raise of our foremen. Also, this season is well coordinated; we feel more mutual understanding between services of our industry.

Worker of ice cream department — Medvid’ L. S.

— How can You evaluate work of Your department during this season?

— This season our work was more intense, we have more requests to the ice cream quality and workers’ duties. Yet, work conditions were improved. So, I would like to give thanks to our leadership for their nice attitude towards all of us, and we will follow our duties precisely from now and on.