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Результат кредитного рейтинга

The result of credit rating is a high level of TM “Rud” creditability and financial stability!

On March 10, 2009, an independent information rating agency Credo Line (Kyiv, Ukraine), which assigns credit ratings to Ukrainian companies under the initiative of foreign contractors, had accomplished information monitoring of “Zhytomir Butter-Dairy” (TM “Rud”) that was initiated by the “Euler Hermes Kreditversicherungs AG” credit and insurance corporation.

Following this examination, “Zhytomir Butter-Dairy” Company was assigned a short-term credit rating. This rating represents one of the credit decision factors that are taken by foreign contractor — information user “Euler Hermes Kreditversicherungs AG”, on its responsibility.

The assigned credit rating (crBBB) — is a high level of creditability and financial stability. The company is not inclined to country’s risk influence. Nonpayment or late payment risk is low.