Современный логистический комплекс

The “Rud” company implements new modern logistic complex. We have decided to talk with the Manager of logistic department — Kolinchuk Vadim Dmitriyovich — concerning this issue.
— Vadim Dmitriyovich, what kind of changes appear in warehousing logistics this season?
— The main goal of warehousing logistics’ processes is a high quality complex service of our clients, because a lot depends on us during the “hot moments of season”, the time, when logistic system takes a “breaking point” test.
At present, the new structure is interpreted in new contest and becomes a part of general logistic system of enterprise, with the list of such processes as acceptance, storage, processing, sorting, picking and shipment of finished product. Qguar WMS Pro logistic program is implemented on enterprise for financial expenditure optimization, time reduction and accurate process execution.
— How do You evaluate a new construction and internal equipment of new storage house? Besides, we know that You have visited warehouse complexes of the food products’ biggest producers of Ukraine.
— Shortly speaking, the new structure of frozen products — is a “logistic complex in miniature” with a complete set of automated processes and optimal storage rate of finished products.
— Vadim Dmitriyovich, will You tell us about storage conditions of production in new warehouse complex.
— Our complex corresponds to modern thermal preservation requirements. Temperature and air rotation in compartments is controlled automatically in spite of the fact that inner height of the construction reaches 12 meters! Ice cream is located on 5 levels, 2 meters each.
Modern equipment of BT firm (Sweden) was purchased to provide with handling operations. Besides, I want to draw your attention to “closed” platform, which is equipped with “Docks” for transport unloading and loading that minimizes temperature difference during production acceptance and shipment.