Будьте поруч з нами

Національний дитячий портал
Children's portal ”Pustunchyk”
Children's portal ”Pustunchyk”

The Ice Cream Celebration № 1
The Ice Cream Celebration № 1

“Super Chocolate”
“Super Chocolate”

“100% Ice Cream”
“100% Ice Cream”

Waffle cone “Child`s Wish”
Waffle cone “Child`s Wish”

Ice cream «Eskimos»
Ice cream «Eskimos»

«Frozen Yogurt»
«Frozen Yogurt»

Milk 2.6%, 1000 g

Milk 2.6%, 1000 g

Pasteurized milk.

High-quality product produced from whole cow’s milk without application of chemical additives and preserving agents. Taste — pure, free of foreign foul tastes and smells.

Weight1000 g