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Children's portal ”Pustunchyk”
Children's portal ”Pustunchyk”

The Ice Cream Celebration № 1
The Ice Cream Celebration № 1

“Super Chocolate”
“Super Chocolate”

“100% Ice Cream”
“100% Ice Cream”

Waffle cone “Child`s Wish”
Waffle cone “Child`s Wish”

Ice cream «Eskimos»
Ice cream «Eskimos»

«Frozen Yogurt»
«Frozen Yogurt»
Home / Products / Dairy produce / Ryazhenka /

Ryazhanka 2.5%, 500 g

Ryazhanka 2.5%, 500 g

Ryazhenka (baked sour milk) is considered to be the Ukrainian national product. It is being produce from baked milk soured by application of the sour. Ryazhenka is being assimilated by organism better than milk, thus providing dietetic features of the foodstuff having simultaneously the delicate taste of baked milk and valuable properties of introduced bacteria.
