24 августа — День независимости Украины!
The history of Ukraine had been considered since the Kyiv State founding in IXth century. As time was going on, the State fell into decay and split into small princedoms. In XVIIth century, the Cossack-Hetman State was founded and lasted till the end of 18th century. Since that time and till the 20th century, the independence of Ukrainian state had never been noted.
After a revolution in 1917, the national activity had sky-rocketed in Ukraine; it has led to the “Third Universal” of the Central Rada (November 20, 1917). By this document was proclaimed the Ukrainian National Republic (UNR). This document declared the freedom of speech, the freedom of print, of religion, the freedom of meetings and strikes, and abolition of capital punishment. As a consequence, the relationship with Russia was complicated. After the refusal of Ukrainian government, the Bolshevik’s Soviet of National Commissioners adopted an ultimatum and started the Ukrainian-Bolsheviks war.
The Bolsheviks’ war progress forced the UNR committee to call for Germany’s help. Since the mid-February in 1918, the German and Ukrainian attacks on the territory, captured by Bolsheviks, began. On April, Ukraine was released from Bolshevik occupation; yet, it was captured by German one. The civil war and a number of interventions, which followed, ended in March 1919 by approval of constitution of “The Independent Ukrainian Soviet Socialistic Republic” in Kyiv. On December 28, 1920, it was signed the “Workers’ and Peasants’ allied war and economic pact” that strengthened a dependence of USSR to RSSR. The next chance for the independent Ukrainian State was given only in the end of 20th century, after the fall of USSR.
On August 24, 1991, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukrainian SSR proclaimed Ukraine as an independent democratic state and declared a “Declaration of Ukrainian independence’s Act” for confirmation. The all-Ukrainian referendum took place on December 1, 1991.
This outstanding date entered in the history of the new state, as the golden page of its biography, generated the new epoch in the life of our nation, legislatively obtained its ancient democratic longing for national renewal, spiritual freedom, economic growth and cultural inspiration.
We greet you with the Independence Day! Sound health, happiness, well-being, prosperity, peace, light fate to everyone, further success in all your businesses and undertakings for the prosperity of independence of Ukraine and well-being of its people.