Эксперты о состоянии рынка мороженого Украины*

By results of work in 2009, the «Rud» company - PSC «Zhytomir Butter Factory» - holds the top place in ice cream market of Ukraine.
Such result is due to level of preparation of all enterprise services to the season. The big contribution to the received result belongs to distributors' team of ТМ «Rud» and to experts of sales department: due to their joint efforts and ingenuity, it was possible to provide ТМ «Rud» ice cream availability in a maximum quantity of sales outlets.
Against the background of biennial recession of ice cream sales volumes in Ukraine this result looks even more brightly. Thus, in 2007 131.2 thousand tons of ice cream were produced, in 2008 has been fixed slump in production, its volume has made 124.0 thousand tons, by results of 2009 this indicator has made 107.5 thousand tons, that makes 86.7 % of market volume in 2008 and 81.9 % in 2007
Despite these difficult macroeconomic conditions, the «Rud» company - PSC «Zhytomir Butter Factory» - showed constant growth of sales volumes. So, in 2007 the sales volume of ТМ «Rud» ice cream made 19.90 thousand tons, in 2008 - 20.40 thousand tons, and in 2009 it has reached 21.4 thousand tons, that makes almost 20 % of total volume of ice cream sales in Ukraine (the structure of ice cream market in 2009 is shown on the diagram).
In a regional section, the Zhytomir region, where mighty influence of the «Rud» company is obvious, became the unbeatable leader of the branch. In 2009, 23, 659 thousand tons of ice cream were produced in the region, lion's share was provided by the «Rud» company. It is necessary to notice, that the region has produced ice cream by 1780 tons more than even in the past year, more successful for ice cream producers, which is a direct merit of the «Rud» company. Annual growth dynamics has made more than 108 % here.
Positive annual dynamics has been fixed in three, except of Zhytomir, regions of Ukraine: Cherkassy, Ternopil and Kyiv.
Experts notice, that the market situation will promote the subsequent consolidation of the market and will demand new approaches of general strategies formation of producers.
* On magazine materials «Products and components» № 3 (67) March, 2010