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Children's portal ”Pustunchyk”
Children's portal ”Pustunchyk”

The Ice Cream Celebration № 1
The Ice Cream Celebration № 1

“Super Chocolate”
“Super Chocolate”

“100% Ice Cream”
“100% Ice Cream”

Waffle cone “Child`s Wish”
Waffle cone “Child`s Wish”

Ice cream «Eskimos»
Ice cream «Eskimos»

«Frozen Yogurt»
«Frozen Yogurt»
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«Движущая сила» нашего предприятия!

The core “driving force” of our factory is technical services that provide our production with everything necessary, so that it may work in capacity without troubles and barriers. Therefore, at the end of the season, we have decided to communicate with technical director — Bondar  S. Y. and workers of his subordinate departments.

Technical director — Bondar Sergiy Yvanovych

— Sergiy Yvanovych, will You, from Your point of view, evaluate an ice cream season of this summer?

— In general, the ice cream season can be evaluated by single word — amazing! Yet, if we take a closer look, we will see the huge work that was carried out to start the season confidently and in time. Technical services had completed the part, concerning repair and renewal of equipment and technology; all of it was performed by the group of 100 people. It means that in single chain for a single purpose were working: technicians, breakdown mechanics, field engineers, compressor adjusters, electricians and so on. This is the driving force that works for a common positive result.

— Will You, please, inform us about factory’s innovations in current year? How the lines are working? What was changed? Improved?

— I have already mentioned repair work. This season we have completed work on setting into operation new, more powerful lines of ice cream cups’ production — # 9 and # 10, and of new spiral case to Comet lines, which have increased the work quality and productivity significantly.

— You have more than 200 subordinates. Managing is rather responsible and complicated process. What are Your main principles of management?

— Sure, I have 200 subordinates, it is a good number, and, as in any group it is related to responsibility. Moreover, in a big group, you can not be kind and attentive for some people and vise versa for others.

— Sergiy Yvanovych, how have You managed to gain the authority of Your subordinates? What is Your secret of success?

— The secret of success of any manager (it is my personal opinion) lies not only in the vision of many problems and their immediate solution, but also in subordinates’ understanding. Are you speaking the same language with them? You do not have just to speak and give instructions, you need to learn how to hear the collective, because solidary group is a great force and we always need such “force”. The core matter — is to understand people and be heard by people.

— Usually, one may meet hardships along with achievements and victories. How do You solve the emergent problems?

— I can not imagine my work without hardships. Barriers — are the constant movement forward, if you have no movement, you have no goals- neither now, nor later on. As for the emerging problems, they need to be solved collectively.

— What are Your services working on now? Can You differentiate the priori directions in work?

— At present stage, we have started a huge reconstruction on our factory, which is planned for 2007—2008 years, it includes: assembling and setting into operation new, more powerful lines, reconstruction and construction of new warehouses, doghouses and workshops, and, also, a constant perfection of existing equipment. The major priority — is a constant renovation and determined progress ahead.

— What would You like to wish to everybody?

— I would like to wish patience, mutual understanding and strong health, so that everything you have planned could be performed in reality.

Bordug Olexander Borysovych, electro-gas welder, 6 rating

— What can You tell about work of Your subdivision in current season?

— I have already been working for 14 years on the factory. My career started in building brigade. Further I shifted to motor transport area. Later on — to boiler house. Lately I have been working in mechanical subdivision. I would like to mention that for the last few years the volumes of work in mechanical service had significantly increased due to factory’s expansion. In current season, a new welding convector was purchased, which has allowed performing more delicate and complicated tasks and considerably lightened our work. I would like to thank our management and wish all the best to everyone.

Vasylevs’kiy Sergiy Mykolayovych, turner, 5 rating

— What can You tell about work of Your subdivision in current season?

— I have been working for 6 years on the factory. The 2007 season was rather saturated. The volume of products’ production has increased. Therefore, a heavy burden was laid upon technical services’ shoulders. But grace to our management, especially, to technical director — Bondar Sergiy Yvanovych, we were bought two new machines: lathe and bans-saw. We are well-provided for instruments and all other things necessary. The metal is delivered in time.

Though our team is small, yet we are in “Rudyashkah”!