«Мир мороженого и холода — 2008»

TM “Rud” was a participant of the International specialized exhibition “The World of Ice Cream and Cold” “Milk and Meat Industry of XXI century” that took place from March 18 till March 21 in Kyiv.
The exhibition was supported by:
- Council on exhibition activity in Ukraine;
- Trade and Commercial Chamber of Ukraine;
- Ukrainian Union of producers and entrepreneurs (UUPE);
- International Academy of Cold.
The visitors of the exhibition and its participants had a chance to get familiar with interesting exhibits. In general the exhibition introduced:
- Traditional and soft ice cream;
- frozen products and sea products;
- confectionery and waffle products;
- icing and chocolate products;
- ingredients for ice cream producing: flavors, stabilizers, emulsifiers, dye, fats, butters, dry and liquid mixtures and other ingredients;
- production of associated branches;
- transport for frozen and chilled products;
- milk and meat production;
butter-fat production;- sausages and smoked food;
- raw materials, food ingredients, supplements and spices, vegetable oils;
- technological, industrial, trade and domestic refrigerating and freezing equipment;
- packing, packaging equipment and materials, auxiliary materials;
- detergents and sanitizers;
- informational services of branch;
- scientific institutions.
The organizers of the exhibition became the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, the Association “Ukrainian ice cream and frozen products”, and the union of milk industries of Ukraine.
Within the framework of business program of exhibition took place:
- Conference “Ice cream: quality and competitiveness”;
AllUkrainian conference “Milk business — 2008”;- International conference “Meat business — 2008”;
- Scientific-practical forums, seminars;
- Tasting contest on ice cream quality;
- Tasting contest on frozen products quality;
- Tasting contest on the quality of ice cream icing;
- Tasting contest on filling materials quality;
- Contest to define the best package for ice cream and frozen products;
- Tasting contest on quality of cheese and butter products;
- Tasting contest on quality of meat and sausages products;
- Contest to define the best decoration of showcase;
- Contest to define the best technically equipped showcase;
- Awarding of contests’ winners with Grand Prix, medals and diplomas.
The exhibition, being almost traditional, introduced the main producers of ice cream and companies, which deal with complex service of production and realization of ice cream.
Most of ice cream producers have introduced a part of new products of 2008 season, which were available to taste directly at exhibits. Some ice cream producers have approached the exhibit issue
The layout of TM “Rud” was done in corporate colors and arranged so that most of visitors could be attracted. In general, it is worth to mention, that the work on the territory of exposition was really ‘in full swing’. It was visited by representatives of Ministries and Departments, representatives of TV channels and advertising agencies, as well as distributors of TM “Rud” and representatives of retail trade in Kyiv. Our partners had a chance not only to taste the ice cream, but also to discuss working issues, having current importance especially before the beginning of hot season. On its own exposition, TM “Rud” has introduced a part of new products of 2008, namely: “Empire” cone — yoghurt-strawberry, “Plombyr #1” briquette, Cherry briquette, “100% ice cream” Eskimo. Consumers, who have tasted our new products, have positively estimated flavoring combinations; hope that the general public will like it.