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The Ice Cream Celebration № 1
The Ice Cream Celebration № 1

“Super Chocolate”
“Super Chocolate”

“100% Ice Cream”
“100% Ice Cream”

Waffle cone “Child`s Wish”
Waffle cone “Child`s Wish”

Ice cream «Eskimos»
Ice cream «Eskimos»

«Frozen Yogurt»
«Frozen Yogurt»
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Принципы в жизни и в работе должны быть одинаковыми

Director of “Ice” Ltd
Gubatyuk Oleg Volodymyrovich

— Oleg Volodymyrovich, how had started your career?

— My career development started with position of economist on “Molochnik” (“Milkman”) Ltd after the graduation from the Kyiv institute of national economy in 1988. Then I worked as the chief of PED, the deputy of the Director, Commercial director, the President of the same enterprise. In 2002, I was joined with the company “Rud”.

— A few years you had worked in the company “Rud” as the chief of department in the sales structure, and then passed to the “Ice” company. Tell us about the differences in work in this company and that company.

— I do not see significant differences in work, except for that we are the final implementators of ideas and products of the company.

— Oleg Volodymyrovich, for three years you hold the position of the Director of distributive Company “Ice” in Zhytomir. Two years ago, your team had increased and was established “Ice” in Volins’kyi region. How was and is still going on the development of this region?

— I will say sincerely that the development of given region was both easy and problematic. All results of development of the Volins’kyi region for two years may be attributed to the achievements of the “Rud” company, as well as of the “Ice” company. Although we have not completed all things that were planned, but we gradually, step by step, move to our common goal. I consider that for us the year 2008 will be a year of the “Rud” and “Ice” companies’ final strengthening in Volin.

— What are the differences in the Zhytomir and Volins’kyi regions that you may single out?

— I have not seen and do not see special differences, except for the peculiar mentality of Volins’kyi consumers and managers of the trading networks, high percentage of supermarkets counting on population of 10 000. Although, all of them are present in the Zhytomir region by now.

— Oleg Volodymyrovich, what about a staff situation in Your company? What principles do you follow in team choice?

— Personnel policy in every company heads the list always, and today this issue is especially relevant. Specificity of distributor work is a young collective. We do have difficulties, but who does not have them? We try to decide everything in a mobile and optimal way. There was created young, determined and goal-seeking team. We aim to educate staff, motivating workers to career growth. Fidelity to principle, decency, teamwork spirit, desire to work on final result and earn — are the core principles of success of every team member and team as a whole.

— What about motivation? What do you consider is the determining thing in personnel encouragement?

— Unfortunately, the economic situation in Ukraine is unstable, inflation growth, therefore, financial motivation and social welfare of workers in the company is on the top.

— As well as in any business, force-majeurs are inevitable. How do you endure difficulties and how do you solve the emerging problems?

— If a company works systematically, force-majeurs should not be present. Working situations, difficulties — they were, are and will be. The key thing is an ability to react accordingly and solve them optimally. Every team member, in his turn, is given the authority in decision making process and carries responsibility for it.

— A spring-summer season 2007 has ended. How would you evaluate it? What has changed comparing to the last year, and how, from your point of view, will develop further events?

— The spring-summer season of 2007 was successful. A lot of plans and ideas were realized. What has changed? One of the peculiar present tendencies of ice cream market development is the change of consumers’ age structure: the decrease of 15—25-year share, and increase of 26—65-year share accordingly. The share of the low price ice cream segment has not reduced, disregarding the prognosis of experts, waffle cups, as before, firmly keep the positions in sales. A reason is a conservative love to “old good” ice cream and low purchasing power of most of consumers. And the share of bulk ice cream is growing stronger. As for the trading network, one may tell that it is filled with the refrigerating equipment. Consumers are more attracted by supermarkets which are built rapidly and the share of sales in this category is still growing.

— Oleg Volodymyrovich, what, from your point of view, are the core components of success? What principles in work and in life are determining for you?

— Basic components of company’s success are a properly motivated team. Principles in life and in work must be identical. It is impossible to be one man at work, and in life — the other one. Therefore, the significant qualities for me are decency, fidelity to principle to you and to subordinates, discipline and desire to work.

— And, finally, what are Your further plans of development and what do you want to wish to all?

— Business of distribution is developing dynamically. Our purpose is to make the “Ice” company a systemic and mobile, so that it could change and react in any moment, depending on the situation changes and market conditions. In the doorstep of the New Year and Christmas let me greet you with the coming holidays on behalf of me and the “Ice” company. Let these holidays bring to you and your families good, peace and prosperity. I wish the New Year you would realize your dreams. I believe that in the New Year you will be given every support from colleagues, kindness of friends and folk. I wish you happiness, strong health, realization of the most cherished dreams.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!