Визит Чемпиона!
On June 15, on social organizations’ invitation, legendary and world-known World Boxing Champion – Vitaly Klitschko – visited Zhytomir. It is not the first visit of the sportsman, yet he has never been on PSC «Zhytomir Butter Dairy». That is why it is highly predictable that well-known boxer wanted to visit one of the most known factories in Ukraine. His first impressions, Vitaly Klitschko expressed in some words: «I’ve seen many beautiful things, but factories of such level, cleanness, order and, of course, quality products, I’ve never seen neither in Zhytomir region, nor in any other place». Celebrated sportsman pleased the «Rud» company workers; during their discussion, Vitaly got to know some facts about life of Zhytomir citizens. As to the «Rud» company workers, they were grateful Vitaly Klitschko for comprehensive and interesting meeting.
After PSC «Zhytomir Butter Dairy» visit, Vitaly Klitschko, along with the deputy regional governor Mykolay Deisan, met Zhytomir citizens, social services representatives and the Presidents of «Legion» sport club in Gagarin Park.