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Corporate bonds issue

“Zhytomyr butter plant” PJSC has successfully placed the bonds which amount to 75 million UAH. Funds, raised from the sale of bonds are assigned to the enterprise development. One of the ways of financing business of one’s own is to issue and place corporate bonds. As envisaged by the law of Ukraine “On securities and the stock exchange” a bond is a type of a security which certifies the owner’s monetary contribution, defines the relationship between the issuer and the owner and confirms an obligation to reimburse him for the nominal value of such security on the specified expiration date with the concurrent payment of a fixed interest rate (unless otherwise stipulated in the terms of issuance. The bonds of a company confirm the issuer liabilities and do not allow the issuer control. A decision to issue company bonds is based upon the company long-term development programme. It is mandatory that an enterprise should be able to issue bonds as well as to benefit from their placing in corpora and pay them off by the time fixed. Other companies’ experience shows that a thorough preparation for the bonds placing goes beyond expectations. It just goes to show that bonds are an alternative source of finance to carry out business projects.