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Children's portal ”Pustunchyk”

The Ice Cream Celebration № 1
The Ice Cream Celebration № 1

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Chilled Berry Compotes – It is Convenient, Tasty and Wholesome

When there is a lack of vitamins during autumn and winter, everybody can take advantage of the chilled berry compotes. The freezing process enables to preserve almost all wholesome properties of the berries. The rich flavored and bright compotes made of cherries, strawberries, bilberries and raspberries are for sure considered to be the tasty and rich in vitamins additive to be served in the time of family dinner or celebratory banquet.

Hereby, we are going to share with some simple compote recipes:

Cherry compote with lemon

Ingredients: chilled berries – 500 g; sugar – 0.5-1 glass;
water – 2-2.5 l; lemon or orange.

Take the stew pan with capacity of near 5 l (also you can use smaller vessel, however in such case it shall be necessary to consider the appropriate proportions of the ingredients). Fill it with water for 2/3 and wait until it is boiling. Then, take one half of lemon and squeeze the juice out of it.

Add the required amount of water, put the sugar in it and wait until it is boiling. Take the above stated amount of chilled strawberries, cherries, blackcurrants or blackberries. When cooking the compote, please, remember that the berries shall not be defrosted in advance as they can lose a lot of juice. Therefore, put the chilled berry mix in the boiling water. Wait until the water is boiled again. Reduce the stove fire and boil the compote for not more than 5 minutes. Take the stew pan off the fire, close it with a lid and move aside to the free stove end. Wait for half an hour until it is drawn. This is required to provide richer aroma and more content of vitamins taken from the berries. Now the compote can be strained, bottled and cooled.

Chilled berry compote based on sugar syrup

Ingredients: chilled berries – 500 g; sugar – 1.5-2 glasses;
water – 2-2.5 l.

First of all it is necessary to cook the syrup with addition of sugar. For this purpose take a large stew pan and pour all sugar in it. After that, fill the stew pan with water and wait until it is boiling. In order to dissolve the sugar the stove fire shall be rapidly adjusted for just a little bit more than mean power.

Immediately upon the water is boiled, take the chilled berries and put it into ready syrup, provided it is continuously stirred. After that, reduce the stove fire and close the stew pan with a lid (however, not tight). Boil the compote for near 10-12 minutes. When doing so, no vitamins in berries shall be destroyed, thus improving condition of your organism.

Chilled berry compote with mint and cinnamon

Ingredients: dried or chilled mint (or mint herb tea) – 100-150 g; chilled berries – 500 g; sugar – 1-1.5 glass; water – 2-2.5 l; cinnamon.

Pour boiled water over the mint (it is preferable to do with water having temperature of 80-90 degrees, not 100) and wait until is drawn. In this time put the chilled berries into clear vessel upon they are partially thawed (for 5-10 minutes). Then, add them carefully to the drawn mint tea. After adding sugar and cinnamon, boil the exhilarant compote for 7-10 minutes on the mild fire (should it be required the boiling time may be extended; follow the process of berries dissolving in the mint water).

We hope that the aforesaid simple recipes will be used by you as tasty base in the time of experiments in cookery. We wish your ‘compote making process’ were nice and pleasant! We wish a lot of health for your families! Cook with pleasure!


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