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Cooking pliatsok (pie) with cherries

No holiday in Western Ukraine is held without a traditional local delicacies – pliatsok with cherries, apples, poppy seeds, nuts and dried fruits. All sorts of cakes, muffins and pies made of different dough types lie under this name that unites several features: pliatsky are baked in large baking sheets and then divided into portion pieces. They consist of such number of layers that the height of the finished product does not fit a wide open mouth. Here are several simple recipes of pliatsky with cherries which will flourish your festive table.

Pliatsok with cherries and poppy seeds

An excellent variant of a typical Galician pliatsok with cherries can be cooked following the recipe below. To prepare the dough grind 1 glass of sugar with 9 egg yolks, add 250 g of melted margarine, 4 tablespoons of sour cream produced by “Rud” TM and a mixture of 400 g of flour and 1 sachet baking powder. Divide the resulting dough into 4 pieces and roll out the pie shells.

One pie shell is baked without staffing. Another two pie shells are baked with cherry layer. To do this, spread cherries over the dough and pour them with egg whites whipped with sugar. Add poppy stuffing to the last pie shell (grind 1 glass of boiled poppy and mix it with 1 tablespoon of starch) and pour it with the whipped egg whites.

Make the pliatsok with cherry from the pie shells and pastry cream (0.5 l of milk, 1 glass of sugar, 3 tablespoons of flour, 1 egg and 200 g of butter) (layer with cherries, layer with poppy seeds, layer with cherries and empty pie shell) and give it time to soak properly.

Cooking pliatsok (pie) with cherries

Cheese pliatsok with cherries

Pliatsok with cherries will be very delicious and nourishing if cooked with cream cheese. For this dessert the following products are required:


  • “Khutorok” spread - 250 g
  • flour - 400 g
  • yolks - 4 pcs.
  • sugar - 100 g
  • baking powder - 1 sachet.
  • cocoa - 2 tablespoons.


  • cheese - 600 g
  • sugar - 150 g
  • butter - 150 g
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • starch - 1 tablespoon.
  • and 200 g of cherries, 100 g of sugar and 4 egg whites.

Cooking pliatsok (pie) with cherries

Beat the softened spread with yolks, sugar and baking powder, put 1/3 of mixture aside and add cocoa to the remaining portion. Knead rather stiff dough from both portions of mixture and place it in the refrigerator. Pass the cheese through a sieve and mix it with melted butter, whipped eggs and dry ingredients thoroughly.

Put the light dough into the baking pan, spread the cheese cream, shredded dark dough, cherries on top, pour it with egg whites whipped with sugar and again the layer of the shredded dark dough. Bake the resulting mass in the oven until ready and decorate pliatsok with cherries to your preference.

Sponge pie “Sakura”

If you plan a gala reception, bake a sponge pie with cherries “Sakura”. The original appearance of the dessert is achieved through a combination of pie shells, cream and fruit rolls. Sponge dough is prepared using 1 teaspoon of sugar, 0.5 teaspoon of baking powder and 1 tablespoon of flour per 1 egg.

You will need two pie shells made of 6 eggs for the pie with cherry. Separate whites and yolks, beat the egg whites with half of sugar until stiff, grind the yolks with sugar till white. Mix both masses, add 1 tablespoon of cocoa and introduce the mixture of flour and baking powder gradually. Divide the resulting dough into two parts and bake it in the oven at 1800C. Knead another portion of dough with 4 eggs, divide it into 3 parts and bake for 10-15 minutes. The obtained thin pie shells should be rolled up immediately into loose rolls.

Prepare the cream while the dough is cooling. You will need the pastry cream for coating the rolls:

  • 250 ml of cherry juice
  • 1 pack of pastry cream
  • 150 g of “Gold” butter by “Rud” TM

Dissolve a dry cream in the glass of juice, heat on a slow fire until the cream thickens, let it cool slightly and whip with soft butter. Cover the rolls with the obtained mass, put a row of pitted cherries on the edge and roll it up tightly.

To finally make the pie you will need another cream:

  • 300 ml of yoghurt
  • 200 ml of dairy cream
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 15 g of gelatin.

Cooking pliatsok (pie) with cherries

Gelatin should be dissolved in 4 tablespoons of water, and add the mixture of whipped dairy cream, yoghurt and sugar, mix thoroughly. Put one layer of a sponge pie into the split form, put rolls on top, pour with the obtained cream and cover with the second layer. If you wish to decorate the pie with cherries, melted chocolate and whipped cream and put it in a cold place for several hours.


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