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How to cook Chanakhi: popular recipes and cooking methods

Making menu for dinner, pay attention to the original Georgian dish – Chanakhi, different variations of which (the recipe of Chanakhi with mushrooms in the pot, for example), don't require special efforts while cooking, but, as a result, you get a delicious and nourishing meal. The main components of Chanakhi are meat and vegetables, which you can choose according to your taste and wish. But the choice of a cooking process will depend on whether you want to get rich first or second course.

Traditional Georgian Chanakhi

If you want to enjoy an unusual taste of stewed vegetables with meat, cooked according to the Georgian recipe, take:

  • 500 g of beef
  • 600 g of potatoes
  • 300 g of eggplants
  • 500 g of tomatoes
  • 200 g of carrots
  • 200 g of onions
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • salt and spices according to your taste

Traditional Georgian Chanakhi

Start cooking Chanakhi with the preparation of eggplants, which will prevent them from a light bitterness. To do this, cut them into cubes, sprinkle them lavishly with salt, and keep for 30 minutes, then rinse them and wring them out. Layer the clay pots with the cut ingredients in the following order: meat, potatoes, eggplants, onions, carrots and some tomatoes. Don't forget to sprinkle them with salt and spices.

If you want the dish to be more juicy and watery, add some broth or water. Preheat the oven to the 180°C. Bake Chanakhi for about 1 hour and 45 minutes. Add the remaining tomatoes, garlic and greens and bake for another 15 minutes.

Simple recipe of Chanakhi with mushrooms

To cook Chanakhi with mushrooms, you need middle-sized clay pots and the following ingredients:

  • 600 g of meat
  • 300-400 g of mushrooms (in winter, you can use frozen champignons by “Rud” TM)
  • 8 middle-sized potatoes
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 carrots
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • whole allspice, laurel leaf, salt, “khmeli-suneli”

Simple recipe of Chanakhi with mushrooms

Cut meat into big pieces, sprinkle them with salt and pepper and fry them slightly into the burning hot oil. Put the meat at the pots' bottoms. Slice onions into semicircles, layer them on the meat and cover all this with mushroom pieces. Peel potatoes, cut them into big cubs, sprinkle with salt and spices and put them in the pot. Finish laying with grated carrots. Cover the ingredients with a sufficient amount of broth and put the pots into the pre-heated to 200°C oven for about 60-90 minutes. Put thinly sliced garlic and greens to the ready-to-eat Chanakhi and let them draw before serving up.

Ukrainian recipes of Chanakhi with haricot beans

Lviv Chanakhi is more popular in the Ukrainian cuisine. In this recipe the haricot beans are used instead of eggplants. To cook this dish, take pork and potatoes in equal proportions (~700 g), onions and carrots (~200 g), tomatoes (400 g) and boiled red haricot beans (1 glass). Cut potatoes and meat into big cubes and parcook them in the separate frying pans.

Put potatoes at the bottom of the pots and cover them with the haricot beans. During the process of meat frying, add two tablespoons of flour, sliced onions, carrots and tomatoes. Cover this mixture with broth or water, boil for 15 minutes and put it in the pots. A finishing touch – stew the ingredients in the pre-heated oven for 15 minutes. Now you can serve it up.

There are other Chanakhi recipes with haricot beans that differ in the cooking method, for example:

  • 400 g of pork
  • 400 g of potatoes
  • 100 g of haricot beans
  • 5-4 champignons
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablesp. of tomato paste

Ukrainian recipes of Chanakhi with haricot beans

Put cut meat and steeped during the night haricot beans in the iron cauldron, cover them with water and boil for 40-45 minutes. Skim off the foam during boiling, sprinkle with salt and add chopped mushrooms. Then add a half of chopped carrots and potatoes in the parcooked broth and keep on stewing.

While Chanakhi is stewing, sauté remained carrots and onions with a tomato paste. When potatoes become soften enough, put the sautéed vegetables and squeezed garlic in the cauldron, and add 0.5 glass of tomato pickle to give the dish a savory and spicy flavor. In 5-10 minutes you can treat your family with a delicious dinner.


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