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The Ice Cream Celebration № 1
The Ice Cream Celebration № 1

“Super Chocolate”
“Super Chocolate”

“100% Ice Cream”
“100% Ice Cream”

Waffle cone “Child`s Wish”
Waffle cone “Child`s Wish”

Ice cream «Eskimos»
Ice cream «Eskimos»

«Frozen Yogurt»
«Frozen Yogurt»
Home / News / 2009 /


Potato products in Ukraine


Potato products in Ukraine

This year the “Rud” trade mark has amused Ukrainian consumer with exclusive product – frozen potato semi-finished products made according to contemporary European technology without coloring agents and aromatizes. Fast food product line that is composed of coarse and …
New products of fall-winter season


New products of fall-winter season

During fall-winter season, the “Rud” company has prepared interesting new products for ice cream lovers that differ by taste and will suit anyone’s taste. On the eve of the holidays, we recommend new ice cream cake “Prague” that recalls classic taste of usual …
Best workers awarding


Best workers awarding

Exclusively coordinated collective activity became the main asset and major part of successful indices of PSC “Zhytomir Butter Plant” economy administration. This activity was positively marked not only by the plant itself, but also in the scope of the whole state. To …
Expert thought


Expert thought

According to market experts’ statements, ice cream players have not drastically changed. If we speak about branch leaders, this year, as well as 2008, Zhytomir company “Rud” holded the leading place. We would like to note that “Lakomka” Ltd from Dniepropetrovsk …
Our colleagues oversea


Our colleagues oversea

Worker motivation is the main asset of company’s success, that is why the leadership of the PSC “Zhytomir Butter Plant” carry out motivational measures for coworkers yearly. This year, Turkey met the “Rud” company coworkers again. Picturesque subtropical …
2009 totals


2009 totals

Director General Vivsik Sergiy Ananiyovich 2009 – is a year of all our efforts’ consolidation, aimed at our leading position strengthening on ice cram market of Ukraine. Disregarding recession conditions, we managed to make a new skip that amazed both market operators …
Team spirit – is the most important thing!


Team spirit – is the most important thing!

Every new year means new hopes and projects; it means advancement. At present, the “Rud” company is actively working over complex preparation accomplishment in new season – in 2010. The President of our plant, Petro Volodymyrovich Rud, affirms that qualified …
Our innovators


Our innovators

Total output volume was increased by 8.5 times, from 18 to 150 tons per day, due to selfless labor of the PSC «Zhytomir Butter Dairy» collective, implementation of new technologies and production process optimization. It is clear that without new …
St. Petersburg welcomes Ukraine!


St. Petersburg welcomes Ukraine!

This year, the «Rud» company proposed partnership meeting to discuss season results, future plans in St. Petersburg – city-museum. The city was not chosen by chance, because such historical places have special energetic that inspires to future achievements …
TM «Rud» holidays


TM «Rud» holidays

The fall comes with yellowed leaves, first, but not insistent, coolness and, certainly, the fall starts with First Bell holiday. The Knowledge day gathers all kids to school, who, on their turn, having fine rest and renewed strength, begin to learn. …
National seminar of vet service managers


National seminar of vet service managers

In Zhytomir, all-Ukrainian seminar over all regions of Ukraine of vet service managers have recently took place. On the base of Zhytomir factories, seminar participants were demonstrated the most contemporary production and food product storing methods. The most …
Results of independent full-cream ice test by «Ukrmetrteststandard» experts


Results of independent full-cream ice test by «Ukrmetrteststandard» experts

It is nice to know that independent testing makes truly and real product quality rating. Because at present, all mass media are overfilled with various information regarding food products’ quality. In July, «Ukrmetrteststandard» experts made analysis of full-cream ice, …
Quality from field to table


Quality from field to table

Laryso Mykolayivno, You have headed production laboratory last year. Will You, please, tell us about innovations of Your subdivision during this period? Improvements were embedded in many work courses of the laboratory. Particularly, training of …
Champion visit!


Champion visit!

On June 15, on social organizations’ invitation, legendary and world-known World Boxing Champion – Vitaly Klitschko – visited Zhytomir. It is not the first visit of the sportsman, yet he has never been on PSC «Zhytomir Butter Dairy». That is why it is …
Thanks for your hard work!


Thanks for your hard work!

The “Rud” company carries out lots of actions to increase trade mark loyalty and plant brands. Exclusive attention is paid to loyalty support of sales outlets” personnel. Their daily hard work is a guarantee of proper service …
Cooperation of TM “Rud” and Lux FM


Cooperation of TM “Rud” and Lux FM

Each year TM “Rud” experts take part in innovative projects that arose the most interest of our consumers. This year, along with Lux FM radio station, TM “Rud” has launched new project “Happy New Summer!”. Everyone is looking …
Children — are our future!


Children — are our future!

Children — are our future! There is a deep sense in this well-known phrase: taking care of young generation, we are taking care of our future. Care for children, their healthy and happy future are one of the primary courses …
Our innovators


Our innovators

Innovators have always had and have place to apply their creative efforts. On the plant, innovative movement has always been bringing appreciable benefit. Yet, technical policy, which was outlined by Petro Volodymyrovich Rud during the last meeting …
Proposition # 1!


Proposition # 1!

Yummy ice cream can not be enough! And TM “Rud” ice cream all the more. It is the point of most “sweet cold” Ukrainian lovers’ view. Ice cream — is a tasty freshness, and exquisite dessert. …
The Result of Credit Rating


The Result of Credit Rating

The result of credit rating is a high level of TM “Rud” creditability and financial stability! On March 10, 2009, an independent information rating agency Credo Line (Kyiv, Ukraine), which assigns credit ratings …
New Products of Spring-Summer Season


New Products of Spring-Summer Season

The key TM “Rud” advantages include — competitive brands, high quality and adaptation to market conditions. Among consumers’ well-known and favorite company brands are — “100% ice cream”, …
Modern Logistic Complex


Modern Logistic Complex

The “Rud” company implements new modern logistic complex. We have decided to talk with the Manager of logistic department — Kolinchuk Vadim Dmitriyovich — concerning this issue. — Vadim Dmitriyovich, what kind …
Charity — is a Call of Heart


Charity — is a Call of Heart

Petro Volodymyrovich was granted “The best benefactor of 2008” diploma, resuming the “Care for aged” contest Charity — is a manifestation of sympathy to neighbor and moral duty of wealthy man to stretch …
Children — are Our Future


Children — are Our Future

TM “Rud” always concerns with various children projects — it is our audience that, in its turn, is growing up and is becoming a part of most admirers’ group of company's production. Arrangements, …
Laugh Prolongs Life Just Like Sport!


Laugh Prolongs Life Just Like Sport!

On March 31, 2009 started competition of the VII international boxing tournament among cadets of “Carpathian Cup — 2009” in resort city Morshin (Lviv region). This time, more than 100 sportsmen took part in the tournament, …
The Start of Ice Cream Season


The Start of Ice Cream Season

We are approaching to the start of active ice cream season, as a result, it is just the right time to get to know some new products that will be released the nearest future. Our partners have already had a chance …
Workers' Health is on the Top Place!


Workers' Health is on the Top Place!

Manager of medical station Cuzmenko Valentyna Vasylyivna Gordash Vasyliy Vasyliyovich is a masseur. Injury, contusion, headache… And the worker runs to the medical station once again. He knows exactly that he gets help …
Human Factor — is One of the Key Components of Success


Human Factor — is One of the Key Components of Success

The head of transport departments —Pereguda Anatoliy Anatoliyovich — Anatoliy Anatoliyovich, will You, please, tell us the way You came to the “Rud” company. Where Your career started at? What is the most important …
The Strategic Goal of the “Rud” Company


The Strategic Goal of the “Rud” Company

The strategic goal of the “Rud” company — is to hold solely the leading positions on ice cream market, that is why the main task of 2009 became the correspondence confirmation with international standard ISO …
Photo Spread of “The World of Ice Cream and Cold — 2009” Exhibition


Photo Spread of “The World of Ice Cream and Cold — 2009” Exhibition

From February 16 to February 19 the international specialized exhibition “The World of Ice Cream and Cold — 2009” took place in Kyiv. The Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine and “Ukrainian Ice Cream” …